• “Expocultura 1994”, exhibition in the port of Barcelona. • “Association of owners and neighbors of Valldoreix”, collective exhibition of artists of Valldoreix. • July 1994, exhibition “Marcarme”, in “Palau Marc de la Generalitat”, memorial “Jaume Puig Agut”, obtaining honorable mention and bronze medal. • November 1994, “Salon of Modeling, Maquetismo and Radiocontrol”, in the “Pueblo Español”, diploma of honor, televised live. • Year 1994, participation for the launch of the first “Fastferry de la Transmediterránea” . July 1997, “Salon of Modeling, Maquetismo and Radiocontrol”, in the “Olympic Stadium of Barcelona”, diploma of honor. • December 1997, “Mark Me”, “Sala Marqués de Comillas of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona”, national exhibition, honorable mention with 2 accesses, national competition .• November 1999, international exhibition, European championship, “Memorial Jaume Puig Agut”, obtaining honorable mention and gold medal. • Various lake exhibits, etc. • September 2001, “II Mostra de Modelisme Naval, Maquetisme i Radiocontrol”, exhibition and organized by club “ARC” and “Modelismonaval.net” (I). See the website I made of the exhibition in https://www.artenaval.com/Mmnm .